Languages & dialects


Words analyzed daily


Accuracy available



Languages & dialects


Words analyzed daily


Accuracy available

Our services

Data labelling

Access our curated, global team of expert annotators, translators, and linguists to help you achieve your data annotation goals.
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Data strategy 

We help you design a tailored, efficient data preparation strategy, to ensure high quality training data at scale.
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Data collection 

We source, collect, and curate the data you need to train your AI models. If necessary, we augment the dataset with synthetic data.
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Human-in-the-loop for LLM

Train, fine-tune and evaluate your LLMs by partnering with Sigma’s workforce of domain experts and leveraging our processes and technology.
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Launching & scaling transcription in 24 languages & dialects

A major technology services client needs 2000 hours of video in 24 languages transcribed by humans — and wants to launch all 24 teams at once. Sigma.AI delivers.
When iterating on a running search algorithm, engineers turned to Sigma’s flexible annotation teams to evaluate queries and respond to changes on the fly.
How do you coordinate 1000+ conversations between unique pairs of specific dialect speakers in just 2 months? With automation & the right pool of linguists.
A robotics client struggled to get high-quality image data labeled within a 1-pixel tolerance. Sigma.AI’s human-in-the-loop, tech-assisted teams delivered.

We help solve your most complex data annotation challenges 

We help solve your most complex data annotation challenges 

Training data makes or breaks an AI. As AI application complexity continues to grow, it takes experience to find the right approach to training data. We tap into 30+ years of expertise in the data annotation space to cut through the complexity and deliver training data with guaranteed accuracy, at scale.